Photos: This shows a slideshow of images from a folder on your screen.

Ribbons: Multicolored ribbons streak and swirl on a black screen.It would be fun to see some new screensavers in Windows 11 that can take advantage of modern graphics processors. Or maybe new versions of Windows classics like Starfield Simulation and 3D Maze. If you’re feeling nostalgic, the Internet Archive hosts a ZIP file that includes 10 classic screensavers from the Windows 98 and XP era that will still work in Windows 11. To install them, download the file, unzip it, and copy all of the. RELATED: Multimedia Mania: Windows Media Player Turns 30 But Wait-How Can I Set a Screensaver, Anyway? You’ll need to have administrator access to copy files to that folder. In Windows 11, Microsoft has buried screensaver options. They still exist as a classic Control Panel window that you can find by searching for “Screensaver” in the Start menu. In the results, click “Change Screen Saver.” Or you can search in the Settings app or Control Panel itself. When the Screen Saver Settings window opens, use the drop-down menu to select a screensaver. You can preview each one with the “Preview” button. When you find one you like, set the time in minutes using the “Wait” box, then click OK. When the time elapses, you’ll see your screensaver in action. Feels warm and fuzzy, just like the old days. Now let’s hope Microsoft adds some new screensavers in the future, because they’re tons of fun.To open SCR file you need to find an application which works with that kind of file. SCR file extension is used by operating systems to recognize files with content of type SCR. Here is some information which will get you started.To see if you have an application which supports SCR file format you need to double click on the file.This will either open it with matching application or Windows operating system will suggest you to look for an application for file extension SCR either on web or on local computer.If there is no application on your computer which can open SCR files you need to search on the internet which application can open SCR files.įile extensions help computers locate correct application for specific files.Operating systems will not look into the content of the files to be opened, but instead, it will immediately locate the file extension of the file and locate for associated application that can open SCR files. This helps the computer to organize its functions and work much faster. Most operating systems (Windows) require the use of file extensions, but others do not (Unix).