Scale formula harmonic minor
Scale formula harmonic minor

The harmonic minor scale is a different animal, in that its use is primarily geared towards harmony, and the interval that results from the raised 7th poses a challenge in the melodic context. These differences are intended to inform the writing of strong melodies, hence the name melodic minor. The melodic minor scale can be thought of as a natural minor scale that has been modified to account for the approach to and departure from tonic, in that it features raised scale degrees 6 and 7 to create a tendency toward the tonic in the ascending scale (approaching tonic), but not in the descending scale (departing tonic). The natural minor scale is the Aeolian mode without any modifications. Though the harmonic minor scale shares a great deal in common with the other two heptatonic minor scales, its distinction allows it to serve a unique function in music written in minor keys. Why not consider sharpening your knowledge on the two other minor scales while you’re here…? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the theory behind the harmonic minor scale, including both how to build it and how to use it, before listing some examples of its use in popular music. The raised scale degree 7 in the harmonic minor scale makes strong dominant-function chords possible because of the tendency of the raised 7th to resolve upwards by step to the tonic. The harmonic minor scale is so-named because of its role in shoring up functional harmony in a minor key. Recognize the harmonic minor scale in action.Learn how to build the harmonic minor scale in any key.Be sure to check out our post all about the different types of minor scales.Disclosure: We may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases.

Scale formula harmonic minor