Here is the info about CloudFlare’s NEW Family DNS too: If this doesn’t increase your speed, you can also try to enter Google’s DNS which is: for the Primary DNS and for the Secondary DNS. Choose Manual and enter as your Primary DNS and as your Secondary DNS which is CloudFlare’s DNS.Select automatic settings until you see the DNS screen.Choose WiFi (ideally select LAN if you have a wired connection).The quickest change is to change the DNS. You don’t know everyone’s telephone number, so you look up their name and it tells you what their telephone number is. When you download a game, you want to be able to look up the name of the server hosting your game as quickly as possible. There are several methods you can try without spending any money at all! In fact, if you want to also stop the buffering, there is a video at the end of this post too! Method 1: Boost your PS4 internet with DNS: So how can you fix your PS4’s slow internet and boost its speed? Eventually, your online playing friends will simply leave you behind as it becomes impossible to keep a team going on Warzone Battleground! Odds are pretty good that your character in the game isn’t able to keep up with the ever-changing scenes and you land up being killed. If you don’t and your internet is slow and laggy than your gaming experience will be horrible. When you play online games with your PS4, you want a nice fast internet connection.